Scarborough Borough Council says it will be sending reminders shortly to 1,632 local businesses.
Chasing bills for the Yorkshire Coast BID levy has been delayed by a heavy workload at the borough council.
The authority is responsible for collecting the Yorkshire Coast BID levy on behalf of the Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District.
Councillor Janet Jefferson says the council's finance team have been focused on other tasks but will start issuing payment reminders to local businesses shortly.
Councillor Heather Philips is concerned that there is still a degree of confusion about where the BID money goes, Councillor Philips is keen for their to be further communication with businesses to clarify that the levy money goes to the BID company and not to the borough council.
Councillor Philips thinks it's a bit confusing for businesses that the same council team currently handing out money, will then be asking for some of it back, albeit for a different purpose.
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