The team from the Scarborough branch of Marie Curie are celebrating the organisations 75th birthday by taking part in a work place dash today.
The local branch of the charity has been asking local firms to help fundraise.
Amelia Forrest says today they will be dashing round the local firms who are taking part to see what they have been up to.
They've asked local firms to come up with different ways of raising £75, and today will be carrying out a workplace dash to visit their supporters and see what they've been up to.
Organiser, Amelia Forrest, says their has been lots of local support.
Local businesses have been encouraged to raise £75 on or before 7th November 2023, which would have been Marie Curie’s 156th Birthday.
A JustGiving page has been set up so that any businesses who haven’t signed up can still donate if they wish at
The Scarborough Fundraising Group for Marie Curie has been running since 1998 and has since raised over £130,000 for the charity. Sadly, the group closed last year but Amelia says the charity is now reforming the group.
All money raised by the Scarborough Fundraising Group will help Marie Curie provide expert care, guidance and support to help people with a terminal illness, and their families, get the most from the time they have left.
Amelia added:
“Locally, Marie Curie Nurses work night and day, in people’s homes across Scarborough providing hands-on care and vital emotional support.
“Anyone who can give up some spare time can make a difference by helping us to raise the vital funds needed to support Marie Curie nurses, who provide free care to people with terminal illnesses in their own homes, as well as the Marie Curie hospices.
“Volunteering is not only a great way of giving something back to the community, it’s also a chance to meet new people and make new friends.”
Marie Curie also supports people throughout their illness by giving practical information, support from trained helper volunteers and being there when someone wants to talk. The charity is also the leader in research into better ways of caring for people with terminal illness.
To join your local volunteer Fundraising Group for Marie Curie, or to find out more about the group and other ways to support the charity, please call Amelia on 07732825903 or email
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