Apprentices at the Woodsmith Mine in Whitby will be able to continue their learning despite the slowdown in the mine's construction.
Anglo American is currently reducing the size of the workforce at the mine as it implements a major overhaul of it's business.
Matt Parson from the company says existing apprentices will carry on with their placements.
Anglo American also says it is putting in place a range of measures to help support workers affected by the slowdown in constructing at the Woodsmith Mine.
The workforce is expected to be reduced by 60% by the middle of next year.
Matt Parsons says the firm has launched a range of measures to help affected workers.
The company says the Woodsmith Mine remains integral to the companies growth but says that in the short term it will "slow down" the development of the project reducing it's capital investment to $200m next year and nothing the year after that, although the site will continue to have an operational budget.
- RELATED STORIES : Whitby Mine Workforce Expected to Shrink by 60 Percent
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- RELATED STORIES : Woodsmith Mine Investment to be Cut Over Next Two Years
- RELATED STORIES : Anglo American to "Slow Down" Development of Whitby's Woodsmith Mine
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