A group of metal detecting enthusiasts in Bridlington have unearthed a treasure trove of donations for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
The group was started by Jeanette and Mick Bullock who run Wolds Detecting on Queensgate in Bridlington, along with Rich Sintler and Michael Bullock Junior.
The group was formed to provide metal detecting opportunities for individuals who struggled to find land to pursue their hobby.
They have teamed up with a local farmer to run dig events on his land. The detectorists pay for the privilege with the money going to the Air Ambulance charity, so far this year the group has raised an incredible £11,253.
Jeanette, says the events have attracted a regular group of keen detectorists.
Many farmers are reluctant to allow metal detecting on their property. However, Wolds Detecting secured permission from a local farmer to use his land free of charge in exchange for donations to his chosen charity: the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
The group charges £15 per dig, with events typically taking place on Sundays from 9 am to 4 pm. They have cultivated a dedicated group of members who participate in every dig. In addition to the dig fees, members also contribute to the fundraising efforts by bringing items to be auctioned off. The group also recently held a Christmas party with 48 attendees, which featured further auctioned items to raise money for the air ambulance.
Jeanette says the digs have turned up some impressive finds.
Jeanette expressed her pride in the group, highlighting the diverse backgrounds of its members, including ex-army personnel, police officers, and individuals from all walks of life adding:
"We've got people from all walks of life once they're out detecting with their headphones on they go into their own zone and They just do their own thing.
It helps with mental health. It's, it's just a really, really good hobby to get involved in."
Wolds Detecting hopes to surpass their current fundraising total next year, aiming to raise at least £15,000 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
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