Whitby Town Council has rejected a motion calling for it to withdraw it's support for the development of the new £10m maritime hub in the town.
At a meeting on Tuesday councillors voted against the proposal from Councillor Layman which stated
"In light of the public opposition to, the lack of commercial interest in, and North Yorkshire Council's continued inability to provide a viable business plan for, the proposed Maritime Hub, Whitby Town Council withdraws its support for this project. Although in full support of improved training and job opportunities for Whitby, and in particular those that offer economic diversification, the Council urge North Yorkshire Council to seek a more practical and less divisive location"
Councillor Layman's proposal cited "public opposition," a "lack of commercial interest," and North Yorkshire Council's (NYC) "continued inability to provide a viable business plan" as reasons for the council to withdraw its support.
Councillor Layman said that while supporting the general idea of the hub the current plan is not "sensible"
Councillor Layman made a number of claims about the project including:
- "The 2021 business case required tenants to be in place before work commences. This has not been achieved. So far at best, despite frantic efforts in recent months they have just one tenant who is at Head of Terms "
- "The only occupant so far is the Harbour Master and I would suggest he is only being moved there to make sure at least somebody is in it. "
- "Although the actual figures are confidential, the report states the running costs of the Hub will be £109,000 per year, a sum which will not be met by rental income at any level of occupancy. If the utility costs and business rates are levied on the tenants, they would still require eighty percent occupancy at all times just to break even."
- "The report acknowledges that the hub will require an almost permanent subsidy to operate but they have no idea how much. It could easily be the full £109,000 running costs of the hub. Even if by some miracle they can cover those costs, there is still the £120,000 annual income lost from building over 52 parking spaces to make up. The business case, therefore, is for the ratepayer to be
at best, around out of pocket or, at worst, £229,000 out of the pocket. Per year." - "If the Hub goes ahead, it is intended to close off all of Endeavour Wharf for the full 13 month build period. This will result in an estimated £650,000 lost parking fees. Added to that is an estimated £150-175,000 cost of running a bus to and from the Abbey car park. The report makes it clear that there is only just enough in the budget to cover the current building costs. There is no money for
incidental costs such as this so the ratepayer is going to subsidise not just the running of the Hub, but the building of it too!"
Councillor Layman said her claims were based on a report presented to North Yorkshire Council's Executive committe earlier this month where the Exec backed progressing the project. https://edemocracy.northyorks.gov.uk/documents/s45802/250121 - Report - Whitby Maritime Training Hub.pdf
But not everyone agreed with her assesment. Councillor Mulheran said she watched the North Yorkshire meeting and took a different view of the current situation.
In briefing note prepared for Tuesday's meeting by North Yorkshire Council the authority said:
"In recent months, renewed extensive activity has taken place by the Council to secure tenants for the Whitby Maritime Training Hub. This activity has proved effective, and meetings and discussions with a range of interested tenants in both training and enterprise for the building have taken place, and a number of Expressions of Interest have been received. Promotional activity and conversations with potential tenants will continue throughout the construction period.
The Council has agreed Head of Terms with an external tenant for the facility and several others are engaged in negotiations with the Council’s Property service. The Harbourmaster will also take space within the building.
There is an acknowledgement that a subsidy will be required from the Council for the facility until it reaches the required occupancy level for it to be sustainable. Senior Management within the Council are fully appraised of the situation and associated risks. Considering the risks, the required level of subsidy and the benefits that the project will bring, the decision was formally taken by the Council’s Executive on 21st January 2025 to proceed into the construction contract for the project."
Town councillors voted not to withdraw Whitby Town Council's support for the project.
The Whitby Maritime Hub is expected to be fully operational by Spring 2026.
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