Local Councillors have rejected proposals for a 24 Hour Gaming Centre in Whitby.
Controversial plans to create a 24-hour adult gaming centre at the site of Whitby’s last high street bank have been rejected despite a council recommendation to approve the scheme.
The plan to convert the Halifax on Baxtergate has been rejected by councillors after more than 500 objections were lodged by residents.
Councillor Janet Jefferson says it's not the right location.
The council says it received over 500 objections to the scheme.
Councillor Rich Maw said it was important to listen to the views of local people and Whitby Town Council.
Councillor Derek Bastiman felt the proposal risked turning Whitby into the Las Vegas of the Yorkshire Coast.
Committee members discussed restricting the venue’s operating hours, with several stating they were “at a complete loss as to why it should be 24 hours a day”
Councillor Maw was also concerned about the impact of gambling on local people's welfare.
The planning committee unanimously rejected the application.
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