The Rural Task Force is appealing information following the theft of 11 sheep from a field in Hutton Mulgrave, Whitby, between 7pm on Wednesday 15 May and 5am on Friday 17 May 2024.
The sheep are described as Texel Cross hoggs with a mix of white and brown faces. They may have faded orange spray marks on their shoulders. They are tagged in both ears with their UK flock number.
PC Jack Donaldson, from the RTF, said:
"Livestock theft causes a significant financial loss to farmers, totalling £2.7m in 2022 according to NFU Mutual figures.
“The emotional and mental health impacts on farmers can be devastating. Farmers often raise their stock from the day they are born, and for them to disappear overnight into criminal hands causes great anxiety and stress, as animals are often mistreated by the criminals."
Livestock theft is a national rural crime priority. The Rural Task Force is working together with the National Rural Crime Unit who, this year, introduced PC Martin Beck as the national lead for tackling livestock theft.
Operation Foldyard has been introduced to collate intelligence and disseminate data to forces across the UK to assist teams like the RTF catch those responsible.
Officers say:
"Information provided by the public is paramount to our investigations and building up the intelligence picture.
Have you seen any cattle transport vehicles in the Hutton Mulgrave area between those dates?
Do you know where 11 sheep have suddenly turned up unexpectedly?
If you have seen anything, let us know by calling North Yorkshire Police on 101, option 4, and speak to the Force Control Room.
Or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.
Please quote reference number 12240086792 when providing details."
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