Restoration works on Whitby's Old Town Hall could start this summer despite a £500k hole in the budget.
One million pounds has been allocated to the project from Whitby's Town deal fund, that's going to be used to deliver the initial phases of the project.
North Yorkshire Council's local regeneration officer - Alex Richards - says the redevelopment project has a number of aims
Alex says work could get underway in the next few months and says that once finished the building could be transferred to the town council.
The plans include glazing-in the undercroft to create a weather proof event space but a bid for levelling up funding to deliver that element of the project was unsuccessful. North Yorkshire Council's local regeneration officer - Alex Richards - says that phase may now have to wait a bit.
The project aims to deliver improvements to Whitby’s Old Town Hall & Market Place, which are Grade II Listed and an iconic part of the town’s heritage. The project aims to:
"repair & restore the building to secure its structural integrity and improve the appearance of this unique heritage asset for Whitby. The available floor space in both the first floor & undercroft will be repurposed to provide year-round community and cultural activities and we will improve the market place area through landscaping"
The aims of the project are to:
- Build on the history and heritage of the old town hall building and market place by repairing & restoring the building to secure its structural integrity and improve the appearance of this unique heritage asset for Whitby
- Restore the old town hall building a key focal point for Whitby through refurbishment and repurposing the building for community use, creating 112sqm of floorspace to ensure the building is sustainable and income-generating in the long term.
- Create a vibrant and bustling year round market place, with 81sqm of improved quality of public realm and improved facilities for market traders, driving an increase in footfall and dwell times.
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