A series of three public events providing information on the proposed Maritime Training Hub in Whitby get underway today.
The Hub would be built on Endeavour Wharf using money from the Town Deal Fund.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for business - Councillor Derek Bastiman says it's important that local people get involved in the current consultation on the plans.
A public consultation is now open and closes on Friday, February 9. Local people can have their say via an online form, but over the next 9 days there are also three opportunities for local people to attend events where they can see the plans and talk to council officers.
The In person events will be taking place on the following dates:
- Tuesday, January 23, from 10am to 4pm, at Eastside Community Centre.
- Saturday, January 27, from 10am to 4pm, at Whitby Coliseum.
- Wednesday, January 31, from 10am to 7pm, at Whitby Coliseum
Councillor Bastiman - says if the project gets public backing then work could begin quite quickly.
Concerns had been raised about the ability of Endeavour Wharf to physically support such a large development, Councillor Bastiman says engineers have assessed the location for it's suitability.
The funding for the development is coming from the towns allocation from the Government Town Deal Fund. Whitby was awarded just over £17m of funding for a raft of projects but the funding is time limited and Councillor Bastiman says it is important to make sure the projects move forwards.
The Whitby Maritime Hub would provide training and certification opportunities for the maritime, marine and offshore industries, to residents of Whitby and the wider area. Additionally, the hub will also provide accommodation for maritime businesses and service providers to further support economic growth in the Whitby area.
More information about the proposed scheme is available at www.northyorks.gov.uk/WhitbyMaritimeHub
- RELATED STORIES : Whitby Maritime Training Hub Consultation Launched
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