The Minor Injury Unit at Whitby Community Hospital is now an Urgent Treatment Centre.
Previously the Minor Injury Unit at Whitby Hospital only saw patients with minor injuries, but now it's been replaced with a new Urgent Treatment Centre which will also treat minor illnesses.
The UTC will also have x-ray facilities.
The UTC will be open 8am to 8pm, 365 days a year, including bank holidays, however x-ray facilities are only available 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, and 9am – midday on weekends.
The change comes as part of a national drive to introduce more UTCs across the country. This ensures that local patients have improved access to urgent care, regardless of where they live.
Sonia Rafferty, Service Manager at Whitby Hospital, said:
“We’re very proud to announce the change to an Urgent Treatment Centre here at Whitby Community Hospital. We believe that this will reduce the need to travel to James Cook Hospital when the condition is less serious. As a result, this ensures that patients in our community have more options for care available to them in their local area.”
Michele Moran, Chief Executive at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, said:
“These new urgent services are standardised across the country, providing additional and more accessible options for those based in remote areas. We are pleased to be able to offer these comprehensive options for care to patients in our local communities and hope that the introduction of the UTC in Whitby is a welcome addition to their community hospital.”
It is recommended that people who wish to attend the UTC should first call NHS 111, to book an appointment. the NHS say this will help reduce wait times.
NHS 111 will be able to triage the patient and recommend the best service for their needs. They will also be able to signpost to the nearest facilities out of hours.
While the UTC does treat minor illnesses, it is not an Accident and Emergency department and health bosses say It is important that emergency cases should still call 999.
Those who do not require urgent care are advised to seek help from a GP Practice or Pharmacy where appropriate.
The UTC will be able to treat:
- Strains and sprains
- Suspected broken limbs
- Minor head injuries
- Cuts and grazes
- Bites and stings
- Minor scalds and burns
- Ear and throat infections
- Skin infections and rashes
- Eye problems
- Coughs and colds
- Feverish illness
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
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