As the Borough Council embarks on a project to build more affordable housing, councillors are worried that the local healthcare system won't cope.
Scarborough Borough Council this week approved plans to create a new company to deliver affordable housing in the borough.
The houses will be built on council land, much of it currently open spaces, and some of the sites are relatively small.
Filey councillor Mike Cockerill says the proposed site on Clarence Drive in the town is probably too small to be viable, he's also concerned about a lack of healthcare provision in the town for new housing.
Whitby Councillor Glen Goodberry was also concerned about healthcare provision in the town.
£348k has been allocated for the Borough Council's Better Homes Project which will see the creation of a joint venture with a housing association or registered housing provider.
It will use council owned land to build the houses in Scarborough, Filey, Whitby and Eastfield. Each of the sites will have to go through the normal planning process before any development schemes will be able to progress.
- RELATED STORIES : Plans for New Homes on Council Land in Scarborough Borough Move Forwards
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