East Yorkshire's Coastal services team say they have placed additional notices on Hornsea's promenade warning beach goers about Weever Fish.
East Yorkshire's Coastal services team say they have placed the additional notices on Hornsea's promenade following a request from Cllr Barbara Jefferson after a comment from a local resident.
They say:
"We have placed additional notices along Hornsea Promenade, warning beach goers about the dangers of weever fish when walking barefoot on the beach."
Weever fish are found all around the coast of the United Kingdom in areas with warm shallow water and a sandy beach.
The fish buries itself in the sand leaving only its head and black dorsal fin visible. The sting feels like a sharp stab and is very painful but will not leave any permanent damage.
The coastal services team say that best treatment is to place the affected foot in a bowl of hot water until the pain subsides.
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