Three GP practices in Bridlington will not have their contract renewed at the end of March next year.
The Primary Care Network (PCN) in Bridlington says it is working closely with colleagues to secure the future of general practice services following an announcement that, on 31 March 2023, the contractual arrangements the NHS has with three GP practices in Bridlington are ending and will not be renewed.
The three practices affected by this announcement are:
- Field House Surgery which is run by Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust (HTFT).
- Practice One which is currently being run by Practice Three acting in a caretaker capacity.
- Wolds View which is run by City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP).
Dr Priya Reddy, Bridlington PCN Clinical Director said:
“Patient care is our top priority. I would like to reassure all patients in Bridlington that there will be no disruption to the care and treatment you’re currently receiving. We will be working hard as a team to safely and successfully transfer everyone across from one of these practices either to Practice Three or Humber Primary Care.”
The remaining practices in Bridlington classed as "The receiving practices" will take on patients displaced by the closures, they are:
- Humber Primary Care (previously Manor House and Practice 2) which is run by Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust (HTFT).
- Practice Three which is run by Drs Nunn, Reddy & Reddy.
Dr Reddy continued:
“Patients do not need to do anything now. We will be taking you with us throughout this journey, keeping you up to date with our plans and progress. Over the coming months, patients or households registered with Field House Surgery, Practice One or Wolds View will be contacted with details of what they need to do and when. Until then, please continue to contact your current practice for appointments in the usual way either by telephone, online or the NHS App.”
“In the meantime, we have compiled several questions and answers that will hopefully help you understand the reasons behind these changes. We have endeavoured to answer as many questions as possible and will continue to add to this. We are also planning virtual or face to face public sessions to ensure that everyone is fully informed about the upcoming changes and to give us their views on how we can make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone as we progress these plans.”
The questions and answers can be found at - Improving primary care services in Bridlington — East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (eastridingofyorkshireccg.nhs.uk)
The PCN say that more information for patients will be made available through the practices in due course.
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