A 3D Printer is being used to create a new leg for a Bridlington Lorikeet
A few weeks ago Stumpy the Lorikeet arrived at Bridlington Animal Park, following an accident and arrived with only one leg.
Now thanks to a local man from Beeford and a 3D printer - he could soon be walking on two legs again.
Park owner Paul Woodward explains the story:
Paul says the offer of the prosthetic leg came from a local man who has been finding new uses for the 3D printing technology.
Paul says they will make several iterations of a plastic 3D printed leg and then once a final design is working they will produce the final 3D printed leg from Carbon Fibre.
The ten week old bird will be making Bridlington Animal Park his permanent home and the park team say they home the new leg will give him a new lease of life.
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