East Riding Council says it will be carrying out a study in to the state of Hornsea's sea defences.
The authorities Civil Engineering Manager - Richard Lewis - says the coastal erosion monitoring programme has identified issues at Hornsea which will need to be investigated further.
In order to monitor changes to the coastline, including beach levels, the Council runs a comprehensive coastal monitoring programme, which includes twice-yearly aerial image and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) surveys of the whole East Riding coastline, coupled with more regular visual surveys at high-risk locations.
The Council has also commissioned regular drone surveys of high-risk areas to enhance the existing monitoring programme following a successful trial.
The East Riding's coastal defences are generally in good order according to the council's latest round of coastal erosion monitoring.
However Richard Lewis says some concerns have been raised about Hornsea's sea wall.
The Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan is the key policy document for coastal change management within the East Riding.
Developed in line with Government guidance, and adopted by the Council in 2011, the SMP identifies the general risks to people and the developed, historic and natural environment within the East Riding. The Plan sets out the intended management policy for the coast up to 2105 described a ‘Hold the Line’ strategy at the coastal settlements of Bridlington, Hornsea, Withernsea and Mappleton, and at the nationally important gas infrastructure at Easington, with a ‘No Active Intervention’ approach elsewhere.
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