Plans for a wellness retreat with saunas and a hot tub in the Scarborough countryside have been rejected by North Yorkshire Council.
Michael Dunn’s proposal for a natural spa and sauna garden at Stepney Hill Farm, in Scarborough, has been refused over the harmful and unacceptable impact it would have on the countryside, according to the council.
Located to the west of Scarborough on Stepney Road, the site includes farm buildings, holiday accommodation, a wedding venue and a farm shop.
Although no objections were made by locals or the Highway Authority and the plan was supported by the ward councillor, planning officers said the development would have been “unacceptable in terms of the impact on the character of the countryside and the landscape”.
The creation of the natural spa and sauna garden would have consisted of two wood-fired saunas, a wood-fired hot tub, a shower stall and open-fronted changing stalls.
A storage shed and counter for storing towels, soft drinks and herbal teas as well as an outdoor meditation and exercise deck and wooden porta toilet were also proposed on the site which would have accommodated up to 10 people at a time.
Coun Janet Jefferson said the development was “not visible from the public road of Stepney Hill” and added that it “would be appreciated if a favourable decision can be given”.
However, officers said the proposal did “not seek to protect, maintain or enhance the countryside and the impact is not mitigated by other factors”.
The planning authority also highlighted that the evidence to justify the diversification of a rural business was limited:
“The applicant is not involved directly with the farm, nor has a direct relationship with the existing business other than leasing the land.”
It added that the submitted information referred to providing a community use on “numerous occasions and this will be the most likely scenario for the use” rather than attracting wellness tourism.
The council concluded that the erection of the buildings had “the potential to disturb the open character of the area and the landscape” due to its location on the brow of the hill and the plan was refused.
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