That's the message from North Yorkshire Council which has today agreed to enter into detailed discussions with a potential short term operator for the attraction.
North Yorkshire Council is to enter into detailed negotiations with a potential short term operator for Scarborough's former Alpamare water park.
Council finance chief - Councillor Gareth Dadd - says it is still possible the water park could be open for the summer season.
The Council's Executive committee were told that that a number of tenders had been received from firms interested in running the Water Park.
The council's Assistant Director of Commercial, Property and Procurement - Kerry Metcalfe - explained the short term nature of the proposal.
The previous operator of the Waterpark went into administration last year and the facility reverted to council ownership.
In April the council launched an informal tender for the short-term operation of the Waterpark. The opportunity of a short-term lease of 12 months, with an option to extend for a further 12 months, was advertised with the inclusion of the Waterpark’s immediately adjoining carpark. In view of the short-term nature of the opportunity, bidders were invited to put forward any commercial landlord/tenant incentives as part of their bid such as rent-free periods. The council would also retain responsibility for any latent defects at the facility. The council’s primary objective from the informal tender was to achieve a summer 2024 opening of the facility whilst it developed its long-term aspirations for the site.
Tender returns were requested by 7 May 2024 and officers made arrangements for interested parties to take part in site visits. During the tender period a number of interested parties came forward, some of whom represented experienced national and international leisure operators.
As part of the tender bidders were asked to submit financial and insurance information, evidence of relevant experience of operating a Waterpark, an operational business plan for the Waterpark including a programme for re-opening by summer 2024, pricing structures, booking system plans, reactive repair and maintenance proposals, staffing structures as well as proposals to increase revenue
The Council says it has received a number of Tender submissions and the recommendation is to that one of the bidders is selected as a preferred bidder and that officers take forward further discussions to allow both the council and the bidder to determine if they are able to agree suitable final terms of a short-term letting agreement.
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