Scarborough and Norton are to receive 19 new build homes for social rented housing, shared ownership, and accommodation for homeless households.
A £3.6m plan to buy the new build properties was approved by North Yorkshire Council’s executive committee at a meeting on Tuesday, March 18.
The scheme is part of the authority’s strategy to deliver at least 500 new homes across the county by 2029.
Councillor Simon Myers, the executive member for culture and housing, says it's the first step in a larger housing strategy.
Nine properties will be purchased in Scarborough and the other 10 will be bought in Norton at an average cost of around £190,000 per home, which officers said was “good value for money”.
Councillor Myers says there are “high housing needs in both Scarborough and Ryedale” with more than 4,500 households on housing waiting lists between the two areas.
Eastfield Councillor, Tony Randerson, said he welcomed the proposal but wanted to see a greater emphasis on providing social rented properties.
A report for the executive committee states that a Homes England grant was “not available due to their current programme being oversubscribed”
Councillor Myers says the council are be proactive and pressing ahead without the Home England Funding.
The proposal to acquire the new housing was approved unanimously by North Yorkshire Council’s executive committee.
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