Scarborough Homeless Charity SASH are looking for local people to join them for a night under the stars.
The group are organising a fundraising event in May which will highlight some of the challenges faced by people who don't have a roof over their heads.
Linsey Trower explains what they are doing.
SASH say that they are by no means trying to replicate what it feels like to be homeless but that they are using the event to raise awareness about homelessness and some of the issues faced by those who are homeless.
The sleep out will be at Stepney Hill Farm on Friday May 6th. Linsey says when they've run similar events in the past, those tasking part have found it to be an eye opening experience.
Those taking part in the event will spend the night at Stepney Hill Farm with just sleeping bags, cardboard and plastic for protection. There will be refreshments, activities, a best shelter competition and breakfast in the morning. Toilets will be available throughout the evening.
Linsey says it's a great location for the event.
The event will start at 5:30pm on Friday May 6th, those taking part are asked to raise funds via a Just Giving Page or other method with a suggested target of £100. Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult for the whole event.
Linsey says :
"It may be just for one night, but your support will go on to have a direct impact in helping the local young people who are facing homelessness. Whilst we are not trying to replicate what it is like to sleep rough, giving up your bed for one night will give you an idea of the situation that a lot of young people find themselves in when they have nowhere else to turn."
More information about the event and the sign up form can be found on the SASH Website at https://www.sash-uk.org.uk/get-involved/sash-scarborough-sleepout-2022/
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