Scarborough RUFC are holding a gala day of rugby to help mark Yorkshire RFU's 150th Anniversary.
The event should have taken place in May 2020 but was postponed due to COVID.
The day begins at 11.30am with three games of rugby, a mixed ability game, a ladies game featuring Scarborough's Valkyries and an Invitational Round Robin of four senior mens teams. Following the conclusion of these matches, the Club Vikings and Danesmen will both be in action against Hull and Ionians respectively starting at 3pm.
Entry for the event is free and there will be refreshments available to purchase around the ground.
This Saturday will also mark the RFU's 150th anniversary and RFU President, Jeff Blackett and his wife will be undertaking a 10 mile walk around the Scarborough coast and is looking for volunteers who would like to join him.
If you're interested in joining Mr Blackett on the walk or would like any further information, please email the Club on admin@scarboroughrugby.co.uk
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