Scarborough Lifeboat Station is encouraging people to visit their redeveloped Visitor Engagement centre.
The new Visitor Engagement centre was made possible by what the RNLI team say was a "very generous donation" from Miss Anne Lawson who supports the RNLI’s lifesaving work on the Yorkshire coast.
The Scarborough RNLI team say:
"The team here along with Anne, have worked hard to create a space for everyone to get up close with our lifesaving work.
See our lifeboats and their launching equipment, have your photo taken on one of our Lifeguard Rescue Watercraft whilst you learn about how to keep yourself safe on our stunning coastline.
Read about our 221 years of lifesaving in Scarborough and the heroic rescues our crews and Lifeguards have carried out. From rowing lifeboats to the latest jet-drive All Weather Shannon lifeboat.
Learn about how our crews are trained, have a go at tying different knots and see if you can get a virtual crew member dressed in time to make the shout.
Make sure you check out the story about Ravi and learn how he used the FLOAT to live method when he got into trouble in the sea."
The Visitor Engagement centre is open every day between 1100 and 1500, free entry and access is through the RNLI shop.
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