A Scarborough nursery has been rated as ‘good’ in its first inspection since opening.
An Ofsted inspection has given the Seedlings Nursery and Pre-school a ‘good’ rating in the first review since it was registered in 2021.
Located on the Manor Road Industrial Estate in Scarborough, the nursery has 69 children on roll from the ages of zero to four years old.
Inspectors said that children at the nursery are “happy and settled” and that staff know how to meet their care needs “effectively and have close relationships with them”.
“Babies, including those who are new to the nursery, show contentment and enjoy a cuddle while they drink their bottle and staff are kind, caring and nurturing towards children.”
They also said that staff provide an “exciting curriculum” based on children’s interests and stages of development, adding new themes and topics to activities to help children broaden their knowledge and experience.
The inspection was conducted at the end of January.
In terms of improvements, Ofsted said that the provider should help all staff to understand what children need to learn and “specifically when their key person is not there, so their teaching is consistently purposeful while changes are embedded”.
It added that education leaders should be supported to “develop their skills in evaluating and reflecting on staff’s practice through peer observations”.
With regard to safeguarding, inspectors said that arrangements were effective and that “there is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children’s interests first”.
The nursery was rated as ‘good’ in all four categories of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and management.
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