North Yorkshire Police say they have made 35 arrests for Drink and Drug driving offences in the first ten days of December.
The 35 arrests come since the start of the forces crhistmas road safety campaign.
Officers have made 8 arrests for Drug Driving and 28 for Dring Driving, six arrests were in relation to road collisions.
The North Yorkshire force say the average breath alcohol reading for these arrests was 58ug/100ml.
The highest breath alcohol reading so far was 146ug/100ml – that’s over 4 times the legal limit - officers say this arrest was a 37-year-old Scarborough man who has been charged and will appear in court in January.
Traffic officers say:
"We will be continuing our enforcement activity over the next week and will have some more results for you on Friday.
Until then, keep safe and we will be working hard to keep you and the roads of York and North Yorkshire safe too!"
Meanwhile Humberside Police have launched their Christmas road safety campaign. They say that last year they arrested 129 people on suspicion of drink driving over the festive season, and whilst arrests were relatively low due to the pandemic, 129 is still far too high.
Of those arrested, some were responsible for getting behind the wheel the morning after the night before. The Humberside campaign is warning that
"whether you’re staying in or heading out, alcohol can stay in your system for a prolonged period of time the next day, sometimes taking longer than expected."
Sergeant John Rickells said:
“This year we have seen the return of night-time economy and I as much as anybody want the people of Humberside to enjoy this Christmas, but without wanting to sound bah humbug, people still need to be sensible.
“Time after time we continue to deal with people who think it’s okay to get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol– just because somebody may feel “fine” it does not mean they aren’t over the limit.
“If you are heading out for drinks after work, or are meeting your friends at your local, make sure you aren’t driving home. It really does mean the difference between life or death.
“Yours or your friends one last pint could make it somebody else’s last Christmas - even if you can’t prevent someone from getting behind the wheel, by letting us know we can stop a potential tragedy before it happens.”
“Throughout December the team will be proactively targeting those who think it’s okay to drive whilst under the influence. We will be carrying out roadside testing for drink driving, but also drug driving which can leave the same devastating impact on families.”
"If you know of someone driving under the influence or drink or drugs, call us on 999 if it’s happening now."
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