A group of Scarborough Businesses are seeking to reboot the town centre strategy and have launched a consultation to gather ideas.
The Scarborough town Centre Strategy was devised in 2018 by the old borough council and the town centre team.
The Team is now being supported by Scarborough Business Ambassadors and has launched a consultation to get local views on the future of the town centre.
Toby Hyam is a member of the town team, he says they want to revisit the plan.
Toby says the idea is help ensure the town centre continues to be a positive part of Scarborough's future.
The new consultation consists of just three questions,
- What is your vision for the future of the town centre?
- What has worked well and what could be better?
- Are there places or initiatives that you think are successful and could be applied to Scarborough?
Toby says they are looking for ideas for the future of the town.
The team are determined that the feedback they receive from the consultation will result in real world developments.
The original Town Centre Strategy was created by Scarborough Borough Council back in 2018, North Yorkshire Council inherited the strategy when it replaced the borough Council in April.
Toby Hyam says the new authority is working with them, but says the idea of the reboot is to get more local firms and businesses involved in shaping and delivering the town's future.
Scarborough town team is chaired by Richard Grunwell and includes: Caroline Routh, Executive Director Stephen Joseph Theatre; Neil Arnott, Escape Rooms; James Goodall, Goodall Group; Richard Marcroft, McDonalds; all of whom are actively involved in Scarborough town centre businesses and initiative
The Town team say that partnerships with existing organisations is key part of their approach, Toby says they are not trying to duplicate other peoples efforts.
Toby says that the hope is that by developing a clear strategy for the town future it will become easier to attract more funding for projects.
Toby says the group feel very positive about Scarborough's future.
The new consultation can be completed online at https://this-is-scarborough-143242665.hubspotpagebuilder.eu/scarborough-town-centre-strategy-2023-document
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