Scarborough Borough Council says some of the town deal regeneration projects can now start quickly after the government approved £37.3m of funding.
Ten business cases were submitted to the government for approval and all of them have been given the go ahead, it means work on the projects can now progress.
Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Steve Siddons gave us his reaction to the news.
The money will be used to fund ten projects including the West Pier regeneration and Station Gateway scheme in Scarborough.
In Whitby, plans to develop a Maritime Training Hub will go ahead as will the pedestrianisation of the Swing Bridge.
Councillor Steve Siddons says work on some of the projects can start in a matter of weeks.
Councillor Siddons says that while some of the smaller projects will be able to be delivered quite quickly, other more complicated schemes are going to take longer to deliver.
Steve Siddons says securing the £37.3m is a massive boost to the local area and is the result of detailed work by council staff, local business and the town deal boards.
The ten projects which will be funded are:
The ten projects are:
- Fablab Plus
- Scarborough Fair
- Scarborough Harbour West Pier regeneration
- Scarborough local cycling and walking infrastructure (Cinder Track improvements)
- Scarborough nature tourism (Wild Eye)
- Scarborough Station Gateway
- Broomfields Farm net zero living
- Whitby old town hall and marketplace
- Pedestrianisation of Whitby swing bridge and harbour side public realm improvements
- Whitby Maritime Training Hub
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