Residents and businesses on the Yorkshire Coast are being urged to be wary of rogue traders who may target properties in the aftermath of damage caused by Storm Éowyn.
North Yorkshire Council’s trading standards officers are advising householders and business owners not to agree to work from roofers and other tradespeople who knock on their doors uninvited.
Storm Éowyn resulted in significant disruption, and the Met Office put in place an amber weather warning for most of the county up until 9pm on Friday (January 24).
The very strong winds brought down a series of trees across the county, which caused several routes to be blocked.
Residents and businesses have been warned to make sure that they are not taken advantage of by rogue traders claiming that any damage caused by the storm is far worse than it is.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for trading standards, Cllr Greg White, said:
“Unfortunately, experience tells us that rogue traders will try to take advantage in the aftermath of Storm Éowyn.
“Officers have found cases in the past where the tactics used have included carrying loose tiles around to convince householders that their roof has been damaged.
“If someone knocks at your door and tells you that your house needs repairs or maintenance of any kind, you need to be suspicious and close your door.”
The impact of Storm Éowyn saw roads in the county affected by fallen trees and North Yorkshire Council’s highways teams worked to clear the routes.
There were about 80 reports of fallen trees affecting routes in North Yorkshire which led to partial obstructions and short-term road closures in some cases, and the incidents were dealt with by the council’s teams as soon as possible.
About 3,000 properties were left without power in North Yorkshire following the high winds that the storm brought, and Northern Powergrid worked throughout the weekend to restore electricity supplies.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for highways and transportation, Cllr Keane Duncan, said:
“Storm Éowyn brought significant disruption to North Yorkshire, with in excess of 80 fallen trees reported to us and a number of roads closed.
"Our teams worked extremely hard to limit the impact to the public, deploying resources to ensure fallen trees were removed as quickly as possible.
“I would like to thank everyone involved in this effort from the council, and also to thank residents for their patience and understanding.”
Anybody looking for a tradesperson is encouraged to take recommendations from friends or family and source at least three quotes to compare.
Residents can report rogue traders or get advice from the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133. More information can be found on the council’s website at https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/trading-standards
The Government-endorsed scheme Trustmark can be found at https://www.trustmark.org.uk/homeowner
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