Whitby’s former HSBC bank could be converted into a restaurant and a pair of holiday lets if plans are approved by the council.
A proposal to convert the former HSBC bank branch at 4-5 Baxtergate, Whitby into a restaurant and bar as well as holiday lets has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.
The plan seeks permission for internal and external changes to the building as well as a change of use to create two holiday lets on the first floor and the attic.
A ‘floating’ mezzanine floor would be created within the former banking hall which has a vaulted ceiling enriched with ornate plaster mouldings above a projecting cornice.
The applicant said that the mezzanine floor is “required to provide additional seating space to make the restaurant and bar use a viable proposition and will enable guests to appreciate the full height space and decoration.”
It would “float above the space on a steel structure with five steel columns”.
According to Historic England, the Grade-II Listed building was constructed in 1891 for the York City and County Bank.
Most recently, until 2023, it was a branch of the HSBC bank.
All windows are set to be retained and repaired and access to the first and second floor holiday apartments would be gained from the rear yard.
Submitted proposals state that repairing and reusing the building would contribute positively to the character and appearance of the town’s conservation area and would bring “new business and tourism accommodation to the local economy” as well as supporting local suppliers.
It is “inevitable” that some of the proposed works would adversely affect the existing character of the building, according to the applicant, “however, these have been minimised as much as possible through good conservation planning and offset against the beneficial effects of enhancement and reuse”.
North Yorkshire Council has not set a date for deciding on the plan which is currently open to representations.
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