The removal of a planned footbridge over Scalby Beck at a major housing development is recommended for refusal by North Yorkshire Council.
Following 68 objections from members of the public as well as strong opposition from consultees, North Yorkshire Council is asking councillors to refuse a plan to remove the requirement for a footbridge at a Scalby housing project.
The 200-dwelling development at Mill Way, High Mill in Scalby, was granted planning permission in 2020 and the applicant is seeking to change the plans so it would not be required to build a pedestrian cycle bridge over the Scalby Beck River.
Councillors on the Scarborough and Whitby Area Planning Committee will vote on the recommendation at an upcoming meeting on Thursday, May 11.
Newby and Scalby Town Council lodged a “unanimous strong objection to this application” while the Highway Authority recommended that the plan be refused.
Ward representative, Cllr Derek Bastiman, also objected to the removal of the bridge, stating:
“From day one I supported this development with the knowledge that this bridge would be installed.
“To remove it would leave this estate and its young families isolated.”
Members of the public also said that the removal of the bridge would leave residents “cut off from the rest of the parish”.
As an alternative, the applicant proposed
“a range of works intended to make Station Road safer for pedestrians and cyclists”.
However, a member of the public, Philip Ward, said:
“As a parent of a child that has to navigate Station Road on a daily basis on their walk to school, and as a driver that uses Station Road regularly, I object to this proposal.
“Station Road is regularly used by buses and caravans accessing the caravan park on Field Lane and HGVs. I have seen numerous near misses when these meet when travelling in opposite directions, they currently can’t physically pass over Cow Wath Bridge.”
The planning authority concluded that the removal of the footbridge and its replacement with an alternative route “would have a negative impact” and would “adversely affect the connectivity of the site” with regard to key services.
The planning authority’s report states that in coming to a recommendation, it considered the works of mitigation along Station Road, and the risk of development stalling as a result of a “ransom strip” situation that has arisen.
However, it concluded that “the loss of the proposed route would significantly reduce options for the residents of High Mill and its surroundings to reach schools and other key facilities on foot”.
It added that the proposals put forward by the applicant “do not outweigh the harm to concerns covered by local and national planning policies” and as such it has recommended the refusal of the plan to remove the bridge.
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