Astonishing Roman remains have been discovered at the site of a new housing development near Scarborough.
Developer Keepmoat Homes were given planning permission by Scarborough Borough Council in Eastfield. As the potential for Iron Age and Roman remains had been initially identified at the site, archaeologists carried out excavations as part of the agreed planning conditions.
During the course of these excavations, however, it became clear that the Roman archaeological remains were more significant than anticipated.
A number of leading Roman archaeology experts were consulted who concluded that the remains had never been seen before in Roman Britain and that they are likely to represent a high-status Roman villa or religious sanctuary, or even something that was a combination of both.
Working in partnership with Historic England, North Yorkshire County Council and Scarborough Council, Keepmoat has modified its design for the housing development to protect the remains for future generations. In the original application, houses would have been built over the site, but following discussion, the public open space within the development has been relocated in order to cover the core of the Roman structural remains.
Historic England will recommend the designation the remains as a nationally important Scheduled Monument.
They will also grant aid the additional archaeological work, which will include the analysis and publication of the site.
Keith Emerick, Inspector of Ancient Monuments at Historic England, said:
“We have listened to and continue to work collaboratively with Historic England, North Yorkshire County Council and Scarborough Borough Council to ensure the development proposals and the guidance for investigating and protecting the remains for future generations is followed.”
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