The sale of reusable carrier bags in Scarborough retailer Proudfoot Group’s stores has raised £2,500 for learning disability charity Scarborough and District Mencap
The funds were raised in Proudfoot’s four supermarkets, based in Newby, Eastfield, Seamer and Manham Hill, over the last three months.
Scarborough and District Mencap provide a range of day and out-of-hours services for people with a learning disability, including those with additional physical disabilities or complex needs and behaviours. The money is going to be used to help fund the provision of activities for service users and upskilling staff.
Katrina Taylor, Chief Executive Officer at Scarborough and District Mencap, said:
“Scarborough and District Mencap are incredibly grateful to Proudfoot and their customers for their £2,500 donation, which will make a difference to the organisation by helping towards the provision of varied activities for service users and towards upskilling of the staff team.
“This will then enable Scarborough and District Mencap to extend and enhance its work providing day and flexible services for adults and children with learning disabilities including those with additional physical disabilities, complex medical needs and challenging behaviours; and to also operate a teatime service and Gateway club on Tuesday evenings.”
Proudfoot stores have been raising money for good causes via the sale of reusable bags since 2015 and have donated around £72,500 from the funds raised to charities and other community groups in the area.
In addition, Proudfoot stores have supported over 200 local causes with more than £114,000 in donations raised through Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity to date.
Scarborough and District Mencap are in the process of re opening their charity shop and hub space which will now be based in the Balmoral Shopping Centre.
For more information about services provided by Scarborough and District Mencap, or to enquire about jobs and volunteer roles, please contact hello@scarborough-mencap.org.uk or call the office on 01723 374819.
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