North Yorkshire Police say there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour incidents in Eastfield over the last few days.
The local policing team in Eastfield says that over the past few nights they have seen an increase in ASB around the High Street on Eastfield specially targeting Proudfoot Supermarket.
Officers say:
"We have identified some of those involved and parents spoken to, others that have been identified will have this coming.
However, we are asking all parents and those responsible for teenagers out and about on the estate to be vigilant and know where your children are.
We have previously utilised exclusion orders and will not hesitate to do so again, those in breach will find themselves charged to court.
We hope this ceases immediately and those responsible re-consider their actions and behaviour.
We will continue to work closely with the supermarket, who have great CCTV, along with the local schools.We thought it would be best to try and get the word out now before things go too far and some youths get themselves in trouble.
Thank you for your continued support"
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