Plans to build a technical skills and innovation centre in Scarborough's old Comet building are moving forwards.
Plans for the old Comet Building in Scarborough have moved forwards with the Borough Council's Cabinet approving the draft business case for FABLAB.
FABLAB is planned to be a skills and innovation centre which will enable local people and firms to develop skills in robotics, 3D modelling and cyber security.
Borough Councillor Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff thinks it's a key opportunity for the town.
The Borough Council's Cabinet has approved a draft business case for FABLAB which has an allocation of £1.4m from the Scarborough Town deal fund.
A bid to secure that Government Town Deal funding is now progressing and it's hoped the project could also attract levelling up funds.
Project Director - Marc Cole - says the scheme can go ahead with just some of that money.
The project will involve a number of partners in the town. The business case presenter to the cabinet state:
The case for investment is built around the vital need to increase digital skills
and pathways to employment in Scarborough and the need to diversify the
economy. The project provides opportunities to link to with strategic
educational and industrial partners i.e. Coventry University Scarborough,
Anglo American and GCHQ in supporting the benefits which can be achieved.
There is strong policy alignment especially in the employment and skills
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