Residents in Robin Hood's bay are being praised for their help in raising funds to deliver repairs to the villages sea defences.
Scarborough Borough Council says now is the right time to press ahead with sea wall repairs at Robin Hoods Bay.
Experts have said the current lifetime of the sea defence is just 10 years unless repairs can be undertaken.
The Borough Council's Head of Projects - Chris Bourne - says a £50,000 contribution from the parish council and help from the Environment agency in securing a contractor, mean now is the moment.
£1.6m is to be spent repairing the sea wall at Robin Hood's Bay. £850k of funding was approved by the Borough Council's Cabinet approved the money last week, which is in addition to £750,000 already secured from other sources.
A contractor has now been appointed to carry out repair works, Borough Councillor David Jeffels says financial support from the parish council has helped get the project over the line.
The seawall is located at the western section of Robin Hood’s Bay and is comprised of a reinforced concrete face (columns and panels) backed by a mass concrete fill.
The report to councillors said that
the seawall is currently in a poor condition. There is significant corrosion, cracking, and spalling of the concrete, which in the short term poses a health and safety risk to users of the beach below from concrete falling from the wall surface. Given the age and exposure of the wall, the concrete exhibits very high chloride content therefore corrosion will continue. Spalling also risks exposing the underlying mass concrete, which is assumed to be the main structural element. Damage to this or the rock anchors (if present) could risk structural failure of the wall and erosion of the underlying cliff face.
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