The county council says there are many challenges and is asking for public views on how involved it should be.
There are currently 225 public electric vehicle charging points across North Yorkshire but a new study has suggested the county will need over 3100 of them in eight years' time, leading to concerns about how they will be delivered.
North Yorkshire County Council is launching a public consultation to get views on how involved the council should be in delivering those charge points.
Cabinet Member for transport - Councillor Keane Duncan says there are a number of challenges.
Currently the county has 225 public charging points, a study undertaken by the County Council has concluded that given the current rate in growth of electric vehicle ownership the area will need 724 public chargers by 2025 and 3,161 by 2030.
With the ban on new internal combustion engine cars just eight years away, the cabinet member for Transport - Councillor Keane Duncan - says more charging points are needed.
The county council is now launching a public consultation on it's EV charging strategy which asks some initial questions about EV ownership, and the challenges faced by existing EV owners or barriers to someone making the switch from an ICE Vehicle. It then asks to what extent the responder agrees with the ten proposed measures from the strategy:
- Accelerating the rollout of electric vehicle charge points
- Delivering rural electric vehicle charging connectivity
- Supporting residents charging EVs parked on-street
- Promoting best practice design for EV charge points
- Fostering collaborative working and building in-house resource and skills
- Ensuring visitors can charge at tourist hotspots
- Decarbonising the council’s fleet
- Raising awareness to positively influence behaviours
- Promoting standards for new development
- Supporting businesses with EV charge point rollout
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