North Yorkshire Council executives have officially adopted a harmonised household recycling and waste collection guidance document to support the provision of frontline services.
The authority say they want to provide one consistent approach to recycling and waste to get the most from resources, deliver high performance to residents and businesses and achieve value for money.
Their executive for managing our environment is Greg White:
The legacy District and Borough Councils had a range of procedures covering things like missed bins, contamination in recycling, bulky waste collection and managing applications for assisted collections. Some of these procedures have already been harmonised but this document summarises them all in a complete guidance document for household recycling and waste collection.
The report says the guidance document is essential to establish a common set of service standards for council staff to adhere to, and equally, for citizens to understand the types of service they can expect to receive from the Council’s waste teams.
Council leader Carl Les then led members in a vote on the guidance after Greg detailed what was being voted for:
You can view the full document here.
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