As North Yorkshire Council's annual road improvement programme gets underway, it's revealed there will be no surface dressing works on the Yorkshire Coast.
The council says that the vast road network across England’s largest county is to receive a "multi-million pound boost" as its annual surface dressing programme gets under way.
North Yorkshire Council’s highways capital programme totals £53 million for this financial year, of which £25.3m has been allocated to road schemes.
This includes £5m for the surface dressing programme, running in April and May and covering 142 miles of roads, but none on the Yorkshire Coast.
A total of £6.7m will be spent on road patching at 300 sites across the county and that will include some works on the coast. A further £13.6m will be spent on road resurfacing schemes at 130 sites.
Surface dressing is a quick, efficient and cost-effective way of maintaining skid-resistant and waterproof road surfaces, helping to prevent potholes and extending the life of the road by up to ten years.
North Yorkshire Council’s corporate director of environment, Karl Battersby, said:
“Keeping our roads in the best condition for the money we have available is one of our key priorities.
“The annual surface dressing programme is a proactive measure that is vital to maintaining a safe network and preventing potholes arising.
“We carefully choose the routes and work closely with our contractors to ensure we deliver a cost-effective scheme despite ongoing inflationary pressures. The schedule will benefit residents in all areas of the county.”
The surface dressing programme will begin at the start of April in the Selby area from Beal to Kirkby Whalfe.
From mid-April, it will progress through Harrogate, incorporating roads in Fewston and Darley, before covering the north of the county in early May, from the Darlington Road to routes in Stokesley.
From mid-May, the scheme will cover the Richmond area from Catterick Garrison to Muker and Aysgarth in the Yorkshire Dales. It will conclude in the Skipton area including Cowling, West Marton and Cross Hills.
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