Authority says COVID vaccinations should be mandatory for people working in care homes on the Yorkshire Coast.
That's the view of North Yorkshire County Council who have responded to a government consultation on the issue.
The government proposal said:
To increase vaccine take up, the government is considering amending the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
This would mean older adult care home providers could only use those staff who have received the COVID-19 vaccination (or those with a legitimate medical exemption) in line with government guidance.
Richard Webb is the councils director of Health and Adult services, he says their view is that mandatory vaccinations should be required for staff across the health care sector.
Responding to a government consultation, Richard Webb from the authority says they think it's the right move, but want the mandatory scheme to cover a wide range of health care workers.
During the latest lockdown the take-up rate of vaccination among care staff in North Yorkshire was higher than the national average, County Council leaders said earlier in the year that they wanted all frontline care staff to be vaccinated – including those working for private providers, day services, domiciliary care and as personal assistants.
The Government announced a five week consultation on whether to make the Covid-19 vaccine compulsory for those working in care settings back in April. At the time the Scarborough based care body, the Independent Care Group, said it would prefer people to have the vaccine voluntarily rather than be forced to.
ICG Chair Mike Padgham said:
“We agree that the vaccine is very important in care settings and that it has undoubtedly saved many lives.
“The message coming out from the Government seems to be in favour of legislation but I think we ought to consider all sides of this argument very carefully.
“My view would be persuade, cajole and convince rather than legislate. We don’t want any more barriers to recruitment into the care sector.
“I have always been of the belief that we shouldn’t force someone to have an injection and it should be voluntary.
“The Government must work harder to persuade everyone to have the injection to help move the country back to normality.
“We must also remember that if it is to be made compulsory in care settings then it must surely be the same in NHS care settings and in other areas too. The question is, where might this stop?”
The government consultation closed on Wednesday, no decision has yet been taken.
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