Scarborough Borough Council is expecting to hand over £8m to the new North Yorkshire unitary authority when it takes over in 2023.
The Borough Council's finance team are currently working on the authority's budget for next financial year which may well be it's last.
The Borough and County council's will be replaced in April 2023 by a new unitary authority for the whole of North Yorkshire.
The Council's Head of Finance, Kelly Metcalfe, told the Cabinet that the Borough Council has a responsibility to hand over a strong financial position.
Kelly Metcalfe says the borough is planning to hand on a significant amount of money to the new council.
The government announced in July that the county, district and borough councils in North Yorkshire will be replaced by a new unitary council.
It is expected that the new council will begin to operate on 1 April 2023.
Scarborough Borough Council has set aside £1m to cover the costs it expects in incur in preparing for the creation of North Yorkshire's new unitary authority. County Councillors were told in September that the overall cost of the transition could be as much as £38, across north Yorkshire.
- RELATED STORIES : New North Yorkshire Council to Cost Scarborough Borough £1m
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