A plan to build two new bar buildings at the Scarborough Open Air Theatre will be decided on by North Yorkshire Council’s planning committee next week.
Two new permanent bar buildings are being proposed for the Open Air Theatre as part of a planned expansion of services at the venue which has capacity for 8,500 people.
The Scarborough and Whitby Area Planning Committee will vote on the proposal, which is recommended for approval, at its next meeting on Thursday, May 11.
However, concerns have been raised that the body of water which would have to be filled in is likely to be home to the protected great crested newt.
According to a report prepared for the committee:
“It is well known that the waterbodies in and around the Open Air Theatre are host to great crested newts (GCN) and their habitat.”
Both the newts and their habitat are a European Protected Species protected by law and an initial ecological appraisal carried out by the applicant concluded that the pond “is likely to be GCN habitat”.
The plan proposes the construction of a 5m by 15m flat-roofed permanent bar building which would be formed from a timber-clad shipping container, on the southern edge of the audience standing area.
A 10m by 15m flat-roofed permanent bar building is also proposed for the northern edge of the audience standing area and would include a rooftop ‘VIP’ viewing area enclosed by railings.
The filling in of a pond to the north of the existing audience standing area would facilitate the development of the VIP bar with the infilling finished in tarmac.
Additionally, the plan also proposes the laying of a concrete hardstand to the rear of the stage area as well as the widening of the footpath opposite the kiosks to the north of the audience area by approximately 2m.
No objections have been made by the Highway Authority or the council’s environmental health team.
Although the North Yorkshire Police designing out crime officer did raise concerns about the width of the staircase leading to the bar roof viewing terrace, its widening has been added to the required conditions.
The plan, which was originally put forward by Scarborough Borough Council but is now being proposed by North Yorkshire Council as the succeeding authority, did not receive any comments from the consulted ecologist.
The planning authority’s report states that the infilled pond could support “only a small population of greater crested newts and limited habitat relative to the theatre site as a whole”.
It concludes that the development will “not undermine the favourable conservation status of the newts” and is recommended for approval subject to conditions.
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