Increasing the frequency of trains between Scarborough and York is high on the Mayors agenda according to his Chief Exec.
The introduction of a half hourly train service between Scarborough and York remains a priority for North Yorkshire's Mayor. That's the message from the Chief Exec of the Mayor's Combined authority.
Currently there is only one train an hour at most on the route.
James Farrar says increasing the frequency of the rail service is high on the mayor's agenda.
James Farrar says they want to see two services an hour on the line and says they are working with train operators and transport bodies to achieve that.
Speaking in February Scarborough and Whitby MP, Alison Hume also expressed her desire to see a half hourly service from Scarborough saying that such a service "would be taken for granted in other areas" but currently "seems an impossibility".
Since his election in May, Mayor David Skaith has said that improving transport links in coastal areas is a priority and that meetings with train operators in the region were underway to realise the plans.
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