Scarborough Borough Council leader Steve Siddons has called for a regeneration of Scarborough town centre.
It's claimed the area should become a multipurpose enviroment with more living accomodation and a more vibrant night time economy.
Those are two of the aims of the council's Town Centre Strategy.
A report to the cabinet this week said that work is continuing to develop accomodation for over 200 residents in the town centre.
Council Leader Steve Siddons thinks that will bring a number of benefits:
"The town centre, even when it was in it's hay-day, tended to die on an evening and particularly, early evening." he said.
"One of the challenges we've got is to make the town centre a 24-hour town centre with people living there and enjoying the facilities that will be there and should be there."
Richard Grunwell, chairman of Scarborough Town Centre Team says creating a mixed-use town centre is crucial.
"People love coming to Scarborough", he told This Is The Coast.
"They love living in Scarborough, but this love doesn't always extend to the town centre.
"One of our challenges, I think, is to change that perception and get people using the town centre more.
"If we can do that and get a multi-purpose environment, it really would be something and Scarborough has a lot to offer."
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