The Minister for Schools Systems has visited Scarborough to talk about how the government is helping to drive up education in the area.
Scarborough has been identified as one of 24 Priority Education Investment Areas in England.
These are areas of the country that have high levels of deprivation and low educational outcomes where the Government is providing additional funding to drive up educational standards and support those who need it the most.
Scarborough is set to receive just over a million pounds in funding to help raise standards.
Baroness Barran visited George Pindar School on Friday afternoon, it's one of the schools that is set to benefit from the extra government support.
Lesley Welsh is the Headteacher and she says that the school has faced a number of difficult challenges.
The £1m of Local Needs Funding is in place to support bespoke interventions to improve attainment at key stages 2 and 4, and through supporting schools to transfer to academies and to benefit from being part of multi-academy trusts.
George Pindar School is one of the schools that will benefit from the extra Government support after it was judged as 'requiring improvement' in October 2022 which was its first inspection under Hope Sentamu Learning Trust, which saw it improve from its previous Inadequate rating.
The school is based in Eastfield, one of the most deprived parts of Scarborough. It is accessing whole school improvement support funded through the Local Needs Fund which will see the school support by The Gorse Academy Trust, a 13-school trust based in Leeds and also leads a Teaching School Hub.
Baroness Barrann says that they have a clear focus on the areas which will benefit from the funding.
The school’s improvement plan sets out to support teachers of English, maths and science to improve their pedagogy, particularly at KS4, and to implement the curriculum more effectively across the school.
Baroness Barran says there are a number of challenges facing schools in some of the countries most deprived areas including attendance.
The extra funding being provided though the Priority Education Investment Area scheme will build on an earlier project which the Minister says has delivered results locally.
One of the longer term hopes from the increased investment is that it will make it easier for local youngsters to get the skills they need to find work in their home towns. Baroness Barran says it's all about creating choices for young people.
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