A community housing project in Goathland is to receive £18,115 of support from Scarborough Borough Council.
Two cottages were left to the village by a resident many years ago to be let out as affordable housing, one of them had lain empty for several years and required full renovation, the other property is said to require partial renovation.
The funding will help restore the second cottage which is owned by the Church Cottages Trust which was set up as a charitable trust in 2021 to renovate the two cottages.
Last year funding of £31,500 was granted by the council to enable the derelict property to be renovated and then let out to a local household in housing need
The grant award means that 13 homes have now benefited from the Borough's Community Housing fund.
Councillor Liz Colling says that has had a real impact.
The Trust, which has now secured the necessary match funding to undertake the renovation of the second cottage, envisages that works will be completed by August.
According to the council report, the trust will also provide an assured shorthold tenancy and will set the rent levels at no higher than an affordable rent.
Borough Council Housing Strategy and Development Officer, John Burroughs, says the renovation of the second cottage by the Trust will be the sixth community-led housing project to be delivered in the borough and supported by the council and says there are more projects underway.
The grant award means that the total number of new homes developed or renovated through the Community Housing Fund to 13 across the borough.
Council Leader Steve Siddons says that while the overall number of properties created is small the impact is significant.
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