Report says s Filey general practice has taken ‘appropriate action’ after the CQC previously raised concerns about staffing.
The Filey Surgery (Dr Shepherd & Partners) has taken the “appropriate action” to address concerns raised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), a new inspection has found.
Last year, the regulator said that the GP surgery was “not meeting the regulations relating to staffing”.
At the time, inspectors said:
“We identified a breach of regulation in relation to staffing as we were not assured that persons employed in the provision of regulated activities received the appropriate support, training, appraisal, professional development and supervision to enable them to carry out their duties.”
However, a follow-up inspection this year found that
“the provider had taken appropriate action in response to the concerns found at the previous assessment”.
Inspectors said that the way the practice was led and managed
“promoted the delivery of high-quality safe care and good access for patients”
and noted improved oversight and governance systems and processes.
The GP surgery, located at Station Avenue, provides general medical services to a registered population of approximately 8,900 patients in Filey.
A recently published report states:
“We were assured that persons employed in the provision of regulated activities had received the appropriate support, training, appraisal, professional development and supervision they required to be able to carry out their duties and staff feedback regarding the culture of the practice was positive and had greatly improved.”
Inspectors concluded that
“the service remains rated good overall and for safe, effective, caring and responsive and has been rated good for well-led”.
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