A Filey pub is seeking to remove from its licence the requirement for SIA door supervisors to be present every Friday and Saturday.
The Three Tuns on Murray Street, Filey has applied to North Yorkshire Council for the grant of a “minor variation of its premises licence”.
If approved, the requirement for two SIA door supervisors to be employed at the premises every Friday and Saturday as well as bank holidays from 9pm until the pub closes would be removed from the licence.
The applicant, Punch Taverns Ltd, has requested that the SIA door supervisors would only be required by North Yorkshire Police “if issues are identified that undermine the licensing objectives”.
The current licence states that in addition to Fridays and Saturdays, supervisors are also required on additional “ad hoc” occasions as required by North Yorkshire Police during special events and “additional occasions as risk assessed by the Premises Licence Holder.”
The proposed condition states: “Written notice will be given [by North Yorkshire Police] explaining the reasons why this condition is being implemented.
“At all other times, the requirement for door supervisors will be risk assessed by the designated premises supervisor or manager at the premises.”
Other conditions including permitted opening hours and activities would remain unchanged by the application.
Public representations regarding the application can be sent to North Yorkshire Licensing Services at Scarborough Town Hall by Wednesday, June 28, stating the grounds for the representation.
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