Electric Vehicle Charging bays in the East Riding are to introduce fees and time limits from April.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council operate 75 EV charging bays in public car parks, currently they don't charge for the electricity used but with energy prices increasing the council says charges will now be bought in.
Councillor Richard Meredith says they will also be introducing time limits on the bays
The Council first installed EV chargers in June 2014. Since then it has installed a further 75 units within our public car parks and at Council properties such as Leisure Centres and County Hall, for both public and staff use. The Council is also aiming to install a further 100 on -street chargers this year for the use of both residents and the public.
When the first chargers were installed, the Council made a decision not to charge a fee for the use of the electricity as an incentive to encourage EV uptake.
But with energy prices increasing the council says it will start charging for the electricity use from April.
Principal Transport Policy Officer - Katy Stork - says they will also introduce time limits on the bays.
The Council is proposing to introduce a tariff to cover the electricity used and the ongoing operational costs of the charging points saying that the cost to the Council of the energy being used cannot be sustained.
The authority says:
"By recovering the energy and running costs from drivers, we will be able to attract further investment to install more EV charging points to meet the increasing demand."
"These tariffs will cover the electricity used, a banking fee, merchant fee and other admin fees. To make sure the charging network is accessible to all users the tariffs charged will be based on the kWh used."
The level of tariff will be set ahead of their introduction in April 2023.
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