A public meeting will be held in Whitby if plans to close Eskdale School are taken forwards.
North Yorkshire County Council's Executive Member for Education - Councillor Annabelle Wilkinson - will decide on February 7th whether to approve a request from the schools governors for a consultation on closing the school from September.
Whitby County Councillor, Neil Swannick, says if the consultation does go ahead there will be an opportunity for everyone to have their say.
A decision on whether to progress plans to close Whitby's Eskdale School will be taken on February 7th.
North Yorkshire County Council will decide whether to dismiss the idea or take the proposal to a public consultation.
If a consultation is approved then Whitby County Councillor - Phil Trumper - hopes local people will get involved.
Councillor Neil Swannick says there is a bit of time for people to gather their thoughts ahead of any consultation, saying that If it does go ahead it wont start for several weeks.
- RELATED STORIES : Whitby County Councillors Asking Questions About Eskdale School Plan
- RELATED STORIES : Whitby Parents "Shell Shocked" By School Closure Proposal
- RELATED STORIES : Petition Launched to Save Whitby's Eskdale School
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