East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) grant scheme has launched for 2025.
Applications are welcomed from organisations, charities, schools, town and parish councils, faith groups and businesses to provide four-hour sessions and a healthy meal for children and young people, aged 5 to 16, in receipt of benefits related free school meals.
Organisations can apply for up to £5,000 for Easter activities and up to £100,000 for an annual grant to deliver activities in Easter, summer, and Christmas holidays.
Sessions could include sport, play, drama, cooking, crafts, music, healthy lifestyles, art, outdoor adventure or animal experiences.
HAF grants can part-fund programmes which are open for all children, or fully-fund those solely for eligible families. Funding can be spent on management and staff delivery, equipment, venue, food, marketing, capital costs, volunteer expenses and excursions.
Councillor Victoria Aitken, portfolio holder for children, families and education, said:
“I hope as many businesses, charities, schools and local groups as possible apply for HAF funding, to help East Riding children learn about food, have fun, keep active and make lasting memories through the holiday periods."
The deadline for applications is 12pm on 12th February.
For further information visit https://eryc.link/haf or email: haf.programme@eastriding.gov.uk
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