East Riding Council says it expects to overspend by £19m this year.
The figure has gone up by £1.5m over the last three months.
The council's senior finance partner - David Kirven - updated the cabinet on the latest figures.
The overspend is largely focussed within adult’s and children’s social care and relates to a significant demand for services at levels higher than budgeted for, combined with the impact on costs of inflation remaining higher for longer than forecast and a significant underachievement of savings.
The Council's 2023-24 budget includes £19.3m of required savings measures but the latest risk assessment indicates that the Council is currently on track to deliver just 64% of those savings, a shortfall of £7m.
Adult social care is one of the areas seeing the biggest overspend, projected to be £11.2m
The cabinet member for Adults, Health and Care - Councillor David Tucker - says that in the long term the authority might need to consider what services it provides.
The authorities Children, Family and Schools budget is expected to end the year with a £9.2m overspend, but other budget areas have seen some savings and overall the council expects to end the year with an overall overspend of just £1.6m
While there is currently an overspend of £19.0m projected on General Fund services this is reduced to £1.6m by underspends on whole organisation budgets and through the approved use of reserves.
Underspends on whole organisation budgets, most significantly from the delayed implementation of Total Pay and Reward of £7.0m, combined with £4.7m of one-off support from reserves previously approved by the Cabinet, bringing the overall forecast overspend down to £1.6m.
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