The 8 Year old will start preparing for an operation in the New Year.
Evie and Tina Hodgson have revealed that bone marrow donor has been found for the Whitby 8 Year old.
Earlier this year, during lockdown, Evie's parents were given the devastating news that their daughter was suffering from a rare blood disorder known as aplastic anaemia and that she would need a bone marrow transplant in order to survive.
Initially it seemed that Evie had been lucky as a match for the transplant was found quickly and the procedure was planned to take place in August. But just a few weeks before the planned transplant date Evie's one and only 10/10 donor pulled out of donating their Stem Cells.
Now two potential Donors have been found. One of them is being progressed and Evie will start preparing for a procedure in January.
Evie's mum Tina released this video message
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